Feb 08, 2025  
2021-22 Hamilton Holt School Graduate 
2021-22 Hamilton Holt School Graduate [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Master of Human Resources Additional Information

MHR Program Policies

Transfer Credit

Individualized Studies

Repeated Courses

Time Limits

Withdrawal from the Program

Graduation Requirements





Transfer Credit

Transfer courses may be substituted only for electives and not for the required core courses. With the director’s approval, up to two transfer courses, not to exceed eight (8) semester credit hours-consistent with the mission of the MHR-are counted toward the graduation requirement of 40 semester hours for the Master of Human Resources degree. Only graduate courses completed with a grade of “B” or better at regionally accredited colleges and universities will be evaluated. No transfer credit will be given for courses used to satisfy requirements for another degree. No transfer credit will be given for internships, practica, or life-experience courses at the graduate level. The transcript submitted from the college or university where the course was completed determines the total number of credit hours awarded for the transfer of courses. Students who transfer course credits into the program are advised that they will have to take a sufficient number of courses at Rollins College in order to earn the 40 credit hours required for completion of the Master of Human Resources degree. Students should discuss transfer credits with the director of the program.

Students who are requesting transfer credit need to provide a formal request, a copy of the course description, a syllabus, and an official transcript to the MHR director.

Individualized Studies

Independent Study Guidelines

Each degree-seeking student who has completed four courses may take one elective as an independent study. Under the close supervision of faculty sponsors, students read primary or secondary writings or work in a laboratory or studio setting. Evaluation usually focuses on a completed paper or project, although an examination may also be appropriate. An independent study cannot duplicate a course regularly offered.

The proposed study must be compatible with the philosophy of the MHR curriculum. Preliminary proposals for independent study must be submitted to the Holt Student Services no later than two weeks before the start of the term or session in which the study will be carried out. The date when proposals are due is published in the course schedule each term. Students are notified prior to the close of the registration period whether their studies have been approved. Students must register for an independent study within one week of the approval. Independent study courses are: MHR 670 - Independent Research  and MHR 673 - Independent Project  . Independent Studies may be taken for two (2), four (4), or six (6) credits.

Each matriculated student who has completed four courses may complete one internship as an elective course. Under the close supervision of faculty sponsors, students read primary or secondary writings or works related to the internship. Students will also work for a required number of hours with an approved organization. Evaluation will focus on a completed paper or project and the organization’s written report. An internship cannot duplicate a course regularly offered.

The proposed study must be compatible with the philosophy of the MHR curriculum. Preliminary proposals for internship must be submitted to Holt Student Services no later than two weeks before the start of the term or session of the internship. The date when proposals are due is published in the course schedule each term. Students are notified prior to the close of the registration period whether the internship has been approved. Students must register for an internship within one week of the approval. Internships (MHR 675 ) may be taken for two (2), four (4), or six (6) credits.

The thesis project is not a requirement of the Master of Human Resources program; however, students may elect to do a thesis project as one or two of their elective courses. The exact nature of the thesis project is determined by the student in consultation with the director and a faculty mentor. The thesis project must be carefully designed and researched, and it must reflect the philosophy of the MHR program and relate to the courses the student has taken.

The student and the faculty mentor work together to design a detailed thesis project proposal. Preliminary proposals for a thesis project must be submitted to Holt Student Services no later than two weeks before the start of the term or session in which the thesis project will be carried out. The date when proposals are due is published in the course schedule each term. Students are notified prior to the close of the registration period whether their thesis project has been approved. Students must register for a thesis project within one week of the approval. Thesis Project (MHR 677 ) may be taken for four (4) or eight (8) credits.

Repeated Courses

Students and alumni of the Rollins College MHR program may repeat the MHR 590 - Special Topics  or MHR 591 - SHRM National Conference  Conference courses for credit or audit providing the course content contains a different focus than the previous course. The original grade is not removed if a student repeats a course.

Time Limits

Degree candidates are permitted six years to complete the degree requirements listed in the program of study. The curriculum is available in either a two-year option or a three-year option. Degree candidates are required to take two courses per term under the two-year option. Under the three-year option, students are required to take two courses for the first two terms and one course per term thereafter. The length of time required to complete the program may vary if transfer credits are accepted. If a degree candidate cannot complete the program of study within the authorized six years, a new program of study designating the remaining requirements will be necessary.

Withdrawal from the Program

Students may withdraw from the program temporarily by sending a letter to the director explaining the circumstances and indicating when they propose to resume studies. Students wishing to return to the program must petition the director for readmission.

Graduation Requirements

It is a student’s responsibility to make certain that all the course requirements for graduation have been met. If there is any doubt, a program advisor should be consulted prior to registration for the last semester preceding expected graduation. The Master of Human Resources degree will be granted when the student has successfully completed a total of 40 credit hours, including the six required courses (24 hours) and 16 hours of electives, with a grade point average of 3.0 or better. Students must file an Intent to Graduate form at the beginning of their final year. This form can be found by logging into the Rollins College Foxlink. Once in Foxlink, click on the “Holt Student” tab. The link is the last item in the second column. There is a $75 graduation fee. Students completing these requirements will receive the Master of Human Resources degree.

Commencement is held once each year in the spring. All degrees are awarded pursuant to the policies of the Board of Trustees of Rollins College