Sep 18, 2024  
2024-25 Hamilton Holt Undergraduate 
2024-25 Hamilton Holt Undergraduate


Through the Hamilton Holt School, Rollins College extends quality education to students who prefer the flexibility of part- or full-time study and the convenience of evening hybrid courses. The courses and programs of study are designed to meet the interests and needs of professionals and other adult learners.

The Rollins College liberal arts curriculum is designed to develop and refine analytical and critical skills. Small classes permit an active learning experience stressing problem-solving and organizational abilities. Students learn how to express and defend reasoned points of view both orally and in writing.

Students may either study for a bachelor of arts degree or take courses for career development and personal enrichment. Students will be held responsible for requirements that are in effect at the date of entrance into the Holt School. If students do not attend for a period of two years or more, they will be held responsible for the requirements in effect at the time of their reentry.

Master’s degree programs available through the Hamilton Holt School are described in separate graduate publications.

Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements

To be eligible for the bachelor of arts degree a student must complete the following requirements:

1.  General Education Requirements

Students need both breadth and depth in their learning experience. By majoring in at least one area of knowledge, students gain the depth necessary for disciplinary expertise. The general education curriculum at Rollins College exposes students to varied perspectives and domains of knowledge, fosters critical thinking, and encourages students to consider the ways various areas of knowledge may reinforce and enrich each other.

The College of Liberal Arts faculty identified a set of core competencies within the general education program:

1. To obtain knowledge of the distinctive methodologies and subject matter of the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

2. Ability to read, think, write, and speak critically and analytically.

3. Ability to identify and articulate ethical dimensions of a personal or social issue.

The Hamilton Holt General Education consists of nine courses to be completed as follows:

A.  Complete both of the below requirements at Rollins within the first two semesters:

  • ENGW 280 Writing in the Liberal Arts
  • INT 200 Introduction to Liberal Studies

B.  Take one (1) course in each of the following areas:

  • Math Competency (HMAT)
  • Writing Competency (HWRT)

C.  Take five (5) courses, at least one (1) from each of the following categories:

  • Expressive Arts (HART)
  • Humanities (HHUM)
  • Scientific Perspective (HSCI)
  • Social Science (HSOC)

The following double-counting restrictions apply: 

  • Courses designated to meet two general education or institutional requirements may be used to satisfy one or the other, but not both, requirements.
  • No more than 3 general education courses may be taken in a single prefix.
  • Students may double count up to 3 courses between general education requirements and their major/minor.


General Education Descriptions  

2.  Residency Requirement

The last 48 hours (twelve full-credit courses) for the bachelor of arts degree must be taken at Rollins College Hamilton Holt School. At least one-fourth of a student’s major and minor courses must be taken at Rollins.

3.  Complete 140 Credits

Students must complete a minimum of 140 semester hours of academic work, at least 35 of which must be at the upper-division (300-400) level. Lower-level transfer courses may not be substituted for upper-division requirements unless approved by the appropriate academic department. Students may be required to take a number of overall elective courses in order to meet the semester-hour or upper-division requirement. A minimum of 16 semester hours must be from courses not used to meet either a general education or major requirement.

 4.  Grade Point Average (GPA)

Students must earn a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 (“C”) for all courses taken at Rollins and achieve a minimum GPA of 2.00 for all courses taken to fulfill major and minor requirements.

Independent Study and Internship Credit Limits

A maximum of three independent study or internship, including a maximum of eight (8) credits of internship may count toward the 140 credits required for graduation.  Independent study and internship credit may not be used to satisfy major or minor core course or general education requirements.  

Responsibility for Requirements

A student is responsible for becoming familiar with and meeting all graduation requirements listed in the Holt School academic catalog. Academic advisors assist in this process, but it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary requirements have been met.