Feb 16, 2025  
2017-18 College of Liberal Arts 
2017-18 College of Liberal Arts [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Academic Regulations


Academic Advising

Academic Calendar

Academic Credit

Academic Honor Code

Standards of Scholarship


Records, Grades and Registration Policies

Class Attendance

Class Standing

Declaring a Major/Minor


Transfer Credit

Transcripts and Academic Records

Withdrawal and Leave of Absence


Appeals of Academic Policies


Along with selecting a major, students should select an advisor from their major program department by the end of the sophomore year. A Change of Advisor form must be filed with the Office of Student Records to accomplish such an assignment or to subsequently change advisors.


The College’s year consists of a 15-week Fall and 15-week spring term. Included in either of these two terms are enriched educational programs, including study abroad courses, sometimes offered in early January, or in May or June. At the conclusion of regularly scheduled classes, there are usually four (4) days of examinations and up to three (3) reading days. Academic calendars and examination schedules are posted on the Student Records web site (http://www.rollins.edu/student-records/academic-calendars/index.html).


Academic credit at Rollins is awarded in semester hours. The standard course is defined as four (4) semester hours, which normally includes 150 minutes of in-class instruction per week.

Regular courses normally meet three times per week (typically Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) for fifty (50) minutes or two times per week for seventy-five (75) minutes. Some classes are offered for more semester hours and involve laboratories. Other classes are offered for fewer semester hours and normally meet for fewer hours in the course of a term.

As part of course requirements, Rollins faculty expect students to spend considerable time outside of class each week working on course-related activities. The work that occurs outside of and in preparation for class is essential for the learning that occurs in class. Students should expect to spend three hours out of class for every hour in class.

Academic Honor Code


Integrity and honor are central to the Rollins College mission to educate its students for responsible citizenship and ethical leadership. Rollins College requires adherence to a code of behavior that is essential for building an academic community committed to excellence and scholarship with integrity and honor. Students, faculty, staff, and administration share the responsibility for building and sustaining this community.

Each student matriculating into Rollins College must become familiar with the Academic Honor System. The College requires that students be able and willing to accept the rights and responsibilities of honorable conduct, both as a matter of personal integrity and as a commitment to the values to which the College community commits itself. It is the responsibility of instructors to set clear guidelines for authorized and unauthorized aid in their courses. It is the responsibility of students to honor those guidelines and to obtain additional clarification if and when questions arise about possible violations of the Honor Code.


Membership in the student body of Rollins College carries with it an obligation, and requires a commitment, to act with honor in all things. The student commitment to uphold the values of honor - honesty, trust, respect, fairness, and responsibility - particularly manifests itself in two public aspects of student life. First, as part of the admission process to the College, students agree to commit themselves to the Honor Code. Then, as part of the matriculation process during Orientation, students sign a more detailed pledge to uphold the Honor Code and to conduct themselves honorably in all their activities, both academic and social, as a Rollins student. A student signature on the following pledge is a binding commitment by the student that lasts for his or her entire tenure at Rollins College:

The development of the virtues of Honor and Integrity are integral to a Rollins College education and to membership in the Rollins College community. Therefore, I, a student of Rollins College, pledge to show my commitment to these virtues by abstaining from any lying, cheating, or plagiarism in my academic endeavors and by behaving responsibly, respectfully and honorably in my social life and in my relationships with others. This pledge is reinforced every time a student submits work for academic credit as his/her own. Students shall add to the paper, quiz, test, lab report, etc., the handwritten signed statement, “On my honor, I have not given, nor received, nor witnessed any unauthorized assistance on this work.”

Material submitted electronically should contain the pledge; submission implies signing the pledge.


Students are expected to conduct themselves with complete honesty in all academic work and campus activities. Violations of the Academic Honor Code include, but are not limited to the following.

1. PLAGIARISM. Offering the words, facts, or ideas of another person as your own in any academic exercise.

2. CHEATING. Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in an academic exercise. This includes sharing knowledge of previously administered or current tests. The keeping of tests, papers, and other assignments belonging to former students is prohibited. Use of external assistance (e.g., books, notes, calculators, conversations with others) in completing an “in class” or “take home” examination, unless specifically authorized by the instructor, is prohibited.

3. UNAUTHORIZED COLLABORATION. Collaboration, without specific authorization by the instructor, on homework assignments, lab reports, exam preparations, research projects, take home exams, essays, or other work for which you will receive academic credit.

4. SUBMISSION OF WORK PREPARED FOR ANOTHER COURSE. Turning in the same work, in whole or in part, to two or more instructors, without the consent of the instructors in both courses.

5. FABRICATION. Misrepresenting, mishandling, or falsifying information in an academic exercise. For example, creating false information for a bibliography, inventing data for a laboratory assignment, or representing a quotation from a secondary source (such as a book review or a textbook) as if it were a primary source.

6. FACILITATING ACADEMIC DISHONESTY. Helping another student commit an act of academic dishonesty.

7. VIOLATION OF TESTING CONDITIONS. Looking at other students’ answers, allowing other students to look at your test, and working past allotted time are just a few examples where test conditions may be considered to be violated.

8. LYING. Lying is the making of a statement that one knows to be false with the intent to deceive. It includes actions such as (a) lying to faculty, administrators, or staff, and (b) lying to a member of the Honor Council.

9. FAILURE TO REPORT AN HONOR CODE VIOLATION. Failure to report occurs when a student has knowledge of or is witness to an act in violation of the Academic Honor Code and does not report it within five class days.



Because academic integrity is fundamental to the pursuit of knowledge and truth and is the heart of the academic life of Rollins College, it is the responsibility of all members of the College community to practice it and to report apparent violations. All students, faculty, and staff are required to report violations in writing to the Academic Honor Council for disposition. Referrals will be made through the Dean of Arts and Science.

  1. If a faculty member has reason to believe that a violation of the Academic Honor Code has occurred, he/she may have an initial meeting with the student to determine if a violation has occurred. If the faculty member believes that a violation has occurred, he/she is required to report it. This initial meeting is to clarify if a violation has occurred and not to determine if a known violation is to be reported.
  2. If a student has reason to believe that a violation of academic integrity has occurred, he/she is required to report it to the Academic Honor Council. The student that has witnessed a violation can, but is not required to, encourage the student suspected of the violation to self-report. If the student refuses to self-report, then the student that witnessed the violation must report it to the Academic Honor Council.
  3. Staff members that believe they have witnessed a violation must refer the case to the Honor Council for disposition.

Complaints must be made in writing and filed through the Office of the Dean of the Faculty. These complaints are then forwarded to the Academic Honor Council. Allegations must be submitted in writing within ten days of the discovery of the alleged violation. Complaints against graduating seniors must be submitted by the date senior grades are due to allow time for an investigation before graduation. The complaint should indicate all relevant details, including names of witnesses and must be signed. Submissions may also be made online.

For additional information, visit the Rollins Academic Honor Code at http://www.rollins.edu/dean-of-faculty/index.html.

Standards of Scholarship


Faculty complete academic warning forms for students who are performing at unsatisfactory levels in their courses during weeks four (4) to twelve (12) of each term. Unsatisfactory academic performance includes poor attendance, lack of participation, failure to complete assignments on time, poor test and quiz grades, poor quality of written work, studio work, or laboratory work, or an estimated grade of ‘C-’ or lower in the course. The withdrawal without penalty deadline occurs in the tenth week of each semester; students may exercise their one-time, late CR/NC option through 5 p.m. on the last day of classes each term.

Academic warnings are sent via campus e-mail to the student, faculty advisor, and professional advisors in the Thomas P. Johnson Student Resource Center. Students receiving warnings are directed to meet with the professor of the course, as well as their faculty advisor, to discuss issues of concern, strategies for improvement, and other options including withdrawal from courses or exercise of the Late Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) option. In addition to these interventions, the Academic Advising Services staff also contacts students when they have been referred to the Tutoring and/or the Writing Center, or if they are deemed academically “at risk” for other reasons (multiple academic warnings, students with learning disabilities, and those on academic probation).


Beginning Spring Term 2015, all students must maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 and a single term Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 1.5 to be in good academic standing.


Students who fail to meet minimum academic standards at the end of any term are placed on academic probation, academic suspension, or are dismissed permanently from the College. Students on academic probation are required to enroll in a minimum academic load of twelve (12) semester hours and may not normally withdraw from a course nor take a course on a credit/no-credit basis.

Minimum Academic Standards

Any student whose cumulative GPA Falls below 2.00, or whose previous term GPA Falls below 1.5, will be placed on academic probation. For the purposes of determining academic standing Maymester will not be considered a “term”.

                                A student with:                   Cum below 2.0                    Cum above 2.0

                                Term below 1.5                   probation                              probation

                                Term above 1.5                   probation                              good standing

Students placed on academic probation will be asked to adhere to the General Requirements for Probation. Probationary students must complete a General Requirements for Probation form that specifies an individualized plan for returning to good academic standing and agree to abide by all probationary regulations, including enrollment in a specialized course focused on academic success. Failure to follow the terms of the General Requirements for Probation will result in a student’s immediate suspension or permanent dismissal, even during the course of the term in progress.

Students who Fall within any of the following categories will be academically suspended from the College.

  • Those who have been on probation and do not meet the minimum academic standards the following term.
  • Those on probation who fail to follow any of the General Requirements for Probation.
  • Those who have been on probation two non-consecutive semesters and fail to meet the minimum academic standards at third time.

An exception is made for first-year students. First-year students will be academically suspended from the College after their first semester if their GPA Falls at or below 1.25. If these students would like to be considered for continuation for a second semester, they should appeal their academic suspension. If their appeal is accepted and they are continued in the Spring, these students will be required to meet a second semester GPA designated by the Academic Appeals Committee in order to enroll the following Fall.

Students who are academically suspended from the College are not permitted to continue in any Rollins College programs, including the Hamilton Holt School. No academic credit earned during a suspension will be transferable back to Rollins.

Students who have been academically suspended a first time may petition for readmission by writing a letter in which they articulate both insight into the factors which led to the poor performance and a realistic plan to improve academic performance and return to good academic standing. This letter is addressed to the Office of the Dean of the appropriate College after one (1) calendar year has elapsed. The student appeal is then forwarded to the Curriculum Committee. To be considered for readmission from academic suspension, students must demonstrate readiness to return and improved commitment to scholarship.

Students who are academically suspended a second time are dismissed permanently from the College and may not subsequently enroll in any program.


Student grade reports are based on the following definitions.

  • Grade ‘A’ is reserved for work that is exceptional in quality and shows keen insight, understanding, and initiative.
  • Grade ‘B’ is given for work that is consistently superior and shows interest, effort, or originality.
  • Grade ‘C’ is a respectable grade. A ‘C’ average (2.00) is required for graduation. It reflects consistent daily preparation and satisfactory completion of all work required.
  • Grade ‘D-’ is the lowest passing grade. It is below the average necessary to meet graduation requirements and ordinarily is not accepted for transfer by other institutions.
  • Grade ‘F’ is failing.

Cumulative grade point averages are based on a four-point (4.00) scale. Letter grades are assigned the following numerical equivalents.

Grade A



Grade A-



Grade B+


Grade B



Grade B-



Grade C+


Grade C



Grade C-



Grade D+


Grade D



Grade D-



Grade F


Grade WF




Physical education activity (PEA) courses are graded on a credit/no credit (CR/NC) basis.


Students wishing to appeal a grade will first consult with the instructor to determine whether an error has been made or the instructor wishes to reconsider the grade. If this is the case, the instructor submits a grade change request to the Dean of the Faculty. If the student is dissatisfied with the results of that consultation and wishes to pursue the matter further, s/he will meet with the chair of the department, who in turn must inform the instructor of the substance of the student’s appeal. The department chair acts as a mediator to attempt to resolve any disagreements and consults with the instructor about the grading process. The course instructor is the only person with authority to change the grade at this point. (If the instructor is the chair of the department, a tenured member of the department will be selected by the department to serve as mediator. If this is not possible, then the Dean of the Faculty will serve in this capacity.)

Perceived or actual differences in grading policies or standards between instructors, which are not a violation of College policies, are not a basis for further appeal. Further appeals beyond the chair of the department will be allowed only when the student can furnish evidence that the final grade was affected by the student’s opinion or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards, bias based upon matters unrelated to academic standards, or the failure of the instructor to follow his or her own stated policies or College policies. The Dean of Students, College of Liberal Arts Faculty President, and chair of the Faculty Members Department (If the instructor is the chair of the department, a tenured member of the department or division will be selected by the department) must agree by two-thirds that it can be plausibly argued that these conditions are met in order for the appeal to proceed to the Curriculum Committee.

If these conditions are met, the student may proceed with the appeal to the Curriculum Committee by submitting a letter describing the situation to the Dean of the Faculty. This appeal must be made within one (1) year of the conclusion of the course. The Dean of the Faculty will request from the department chair a written account of the mediation process described above and its results, if any. The Dean of the Faculty may also request any other appropriate documentation. The Dean of the Faculty prepares all documents related to the case for submission to the Curriculum Committee. These documents are made available to the student and instructor to review and respond. Their responses, if any, are included with the materials submitted to the Curriculum Committee. The Dean of the Faculty shall receive the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee, review all documents, and make additional inquiries if necessary before reaching a decision. After such review, the decision of the Dean of the Faculty is final.


The President’s and Dean’s lists honor those students with a particularly high academic achievement in the previous Fall or spring term. To be included on either list, students must complete a minimum of sixteen (16) letter-graded semester hours (no incomplete, ‘I,’ or deferred, ‘R,’ grades), and earn a GPA between 3.75 - 4.00 for the President’s List and between 3.50 - 3.74 for the Dean’s List. Upon removal of an incomplete or deferred grade, students who meet the requirements are added to the lists.


Honors at Graduation

Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts make the distinction Cum Laude (with honors). In making such awards, the faculty requires that both of the following criteria be met.

  • Grade Point Average
    • Cum Laude: 3.50-3.69
    • Magna Cum Laude: 3.70-3.89
    • Summa Cum Laude: 3.90-4.00
  • Endorsement by the major department.

Honors in the Major Field

Honors in the Major Field provides for independent research or special study during the senior year under the supervision of a three-member committee in the student’s major. To be eligible for Honors in the Major Field, students must:

  • achieve a minimum overall GPA of ‘C+’ (2.33) for all courses at Rollins,
  • achieve a minimum overall GPA of ‘B+’ (3.33) for all courses taken in the major at Rollins, and
  • receive endorsement of the committee for participation in the program.

Satisfactory performance on an approved thesis or individual project, an oral examination, and maintenance of the above averages qualifies a student for Honors in the Major Field, which is shown on the student’s official academic transcript.

Graduation Petition and Senior Audit

Students must complete and submit a Graduation Petition to be considered for graduation. In addition, students are responsible for preparing, submitting, and obtaining approval for their Senior General Education, Major, and if appropriate, Minor Audits. The Senior Audits document, by academic advisor and major/minor department chair approval, that all general education curriculum and major/minor requirements have been met.

Students may not receive degrees (including diploma or final transcript showing degree completion) until all graduation forms have been submitted and all graduation requirements have been completed. The degrees are awarded in December, May, and August, therefore the degree completion date will be the next degree date following the completion of graduation requirements and receipt of all forms and transcripts.

Graduating seniors participate in an annual Commencement ceremony held each May. Only students who have completed all graduation requirements may participate in the Commencement ceremony.

Petitions of Academic Appeal to participate in Commencement without all graduation requirements complete will be considered only when the following conditions are met.

  1. The student has an overall GPA of 2.0 (‘C’) and a 2.0 (‘C’) GPA in the major and minor both at the time of petition and at the time of Commencement;

  2. the student presents a viable plan, including documentation of course availability and an approved Request to Study Outside of the College of Liberal Arts, consisting of no more than eight (8) semester hours; and
  3. the department chair of the student’s major approves the plan submitted.

Students who file a Request to Participate in Commencement and subsequently participate in the May commencement ceremony may not then enroll in regularly scheduled College of Liberal Arts courses during any future Fall or spring term. Request to Participate in Commencement forms to make such academic appeals are available from the Office of Student Records.

College honors, honors in the major field, nor any other College awards to graduating students will be neither recorded in programs, ascribed to student academic records, nor announced during ceremonies for any student who has not completed all graduation requirements at the time of Commencement. Students may participate in only one (1) graduation ceremony for the College of Liberal Arts.

The President approves degrees for students completing graduation requirements in Fall term in December, for students completing requirements in spring term in May, and for students completing requirements in summer term in August.

Requirements for the Second Bachelor of Arts Degree

Graduation requirements to receive a second bachelor’s degree from the College of Liberal Arts Program at Rollins College include the following. Upon completion, students will be awarded the College’s Bachelor of Arts (Artium Baccalaureus) degree.

Two (2) full semesters in residence on-campus in the College of Liberal Arts for a total of not less than thirty-five (35) semester hours of course credit. Post-baccalaureate second degree special students are not eligible for on-campus housing. A major course of study that differs from that of the first degree, to be approved by the Office of the Dean of the Faculty prior to admission. A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of not less than 2.5 for all Rollins courses. Completion of all general education requirements of the Liberal Arts via courses undertaken at other regionally accredited institutions of higher education or while in residence. To be determined by transcript review in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty.

Records, Grades and Registration Policies


It is the responsibility of the faculty to publish attendance policies for their courses in the course syllabus. If a distinction is made between “excused” absences and “unexcused” absences, it must be conveyed in the attendance policy. At the instructor’s discretion, a student’s grade may be lowered for failure to comply with the attendance policy. Exceptions exist for absences owing to religious observances and college business. If a student misses a class because of either situation, then the student must confer with his/her professor as to how and when the make-up work will be done, which includes the possibility of turning work in early. Absences will be addressed by the faculty member in accordance with his or her attendance policy. A student will not fail a course because the number of religious observances and/or college business absences exceed the number of absences allowed, except if excessive absences make it impossible to fulfill the competencies of the course. The student’s class participation grade in the course, though, may be affected.

  • In regard to absences due to religious observances, students must communicate any attendance conflicts to their professor before the end of the official add/drop period.
  • In regard to absences due to college business, students must present to their professor written evidence of an upcoming absence as soon as they are aware of the conflict. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss with his/her professor how and when make-up work should be completed before missing class.

If the student feels s/he must be absent from class for any other reason, it is the student’s responsibility to confer with the faculty member to determine whether the absence is to be considered “excused” or “unexcused” as defined by the attendance policies. The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs will communicate when students must be absent from campus for hospitalization, family emergencies, or similar contingencies. Students will be responsible for all work missed.


Students are required to attend all classes beginning with the first scheduled class meeting. Students who do not attend the first class meeting are subject to removal from the class at the discretion of the instructor. To ensure accuracy of registration records, students are responsible for verifying their registration each term and submitting an official drop form for all classes not attended. Students unable to attend due to circumstances beyond their control must notify the Dean of the Faculty or the instructor prior to the first day of classes.


Class standing is determined by the number of semester hours successfully completed.

                                Sophomore Standing        30 semester hours

                                Junior Standing                  60 semester hours

                                Senior Standing                  100 semester hours

Declaring a Major

Students must satisfactorily fulfill the requirements of an established major or the plan of study of a self-designed major. Department Chairs or Program Coordinators must approve course substitutions within the major. In addition, students must earn a minimum grade point average of 2.00 (‘C’) in the courses approved for the major as accepted on the senior audit.

Selecting a major does not imply a career choice. Concentration in a major field of study is designed to give students command of the content and methods of one discipline or field, acquaintance with recognized authorities in the field, and general competence in dealing with courses of research or analysis. All students enter Rollins with their major listed as “Exploring.” For those students who express a preference for a major, their major will be listed as “Exploring–x.” To declare a specific major, students must: take two classes from the desired major’s major map; take one class from two other divisions of the college–these courses can include competencies and neighborhood classes; fill out a declaration of major form that requires a reflection on why the major is being chosen. A declaration of major must be filed in the Office of Student Records prior to registration for the junior year. Students who do not file declarations of major will not be allowed to register for subsequent terms.

Majors are noted on a student’s official academic transcript, but not on the diploma.

Self-Designed Majors

Self-Designed Majors are intended for disciplined and highly motivated students who are clearly focused in their interests. These majors reflect the College’s recognition that not every student’s area of special interest will always Fall neatly within the bounds of a single discipline as traditionally defined.

The Self-Designed Major is not intended as a way for a student to avoid the intellectual focus and methodological rigor required in the normal departmental major or to avoid certain difficult courses within majors. It should not be used to concentrate work in a narrowly pre-professional way. On the contrary, by successfully completing the courses and integrative research project that constitute the Self-Designed Major, the student is expected to achieve a depth of focused reflection and understanding at least comparable to that of a traditional major.

Guidelines for Submission of a Self-Designed Major Proposal

1. Students proposing a self-designed major must have a grade point average of 3.33 or better.

2. The proposal must include the names of three faculty members willing to serve on the senior research project committee. The faculty must represent the three disciplines represented in the major. The student must select a director, from among these three, who works with the student and the other committee members in preparing the proposal. The director also serves as an advocate in the approval process. Once the proposal has been approved, the director serves as the student’s academic advisor, monitors the student’s progress in completing the major, and chairs the committee which reviews the senior research project.

3. The proposed major program must have a coherent theme or topic that integrates at least three traditional disciplines. It must be different enough from a regular major that some combination of major and minor would not substantially achieve the same result. The student must include a rationale for choosing a self-designed major rather than a conventional major.

4. The proposal must include a list of courses, all related to and converging on the theme of the proposed major, from at least three disciplines.

5. The major must include a two-term, 8-semester-hour independent research project, (or combination of a 4-semester-hour upper-level seminar and a one-term, 4-semester-hour research project) integrating the major, to be completed in the senior year

6. The program must be at least sixty-four (64) semester hours (including the senior project) in length, of which thirty-two (32) semester hours must be at the 300 level or above.

The proposal must be submitted to the Associate Dean of the Faculty for approval prior to March 1st of the sophomore year. The Associate Dean then submits the proposal to the Curriculum Committee for final approval. An Amendment Form must be submitted to approve any changes from the original proposal.

Minor Requirements

Students who declare a minor must fulfill satisfactorily the requirements of that minor as specified by the department or program, and must achieve a minimum academic average of a 2.00 (‘C’) for all courses taken to fulfill the minor. Minors normally involve twenty-four (24) to thirty-two (32) semester hours of study. As with majors, minors are noted on a student’s official academic transcript, but not on the diploma.

Disciplinary minors are offered in conjunction with most of the majors in the College of Liberal Arts, plus communication, dance, German, teacher certification, and writing. Disciplinary minors are not offered in biochemistry/molecular biology, critical media and cultural studies, elementary education, international relations, or marine biology.

Interdisciplinary minors involve courses from more than one discipline or major. Interdisciplinary minors are offered in African/African-American studies, archaeology, Australian studies, classical studies, film studies, global health, Jewish studies, Middle Eastern and North African studies, neuroscience, sustainable development and the environment, women’s studies, and writing.

A student may declare more than one minor but may not have a minor and major in the same discipline. Some interdisciplinary minors may require different course sequences for students from different majors.

Double Counting of Classes for Majors and Minors

If students are enrolled in more than one major or minor, they may double count no more than half the number of courses in the smaller program. If the smaller program requires an odd number of courses, the student may round up. No course may be counted for more than two programs.

Practical Concentrations

Students may also elect to complete sequences of courses identified as practical concentrations. Practical concentrations normally involve sixteen (16) to twenty-four (24) semester hours of study in at least two different disciplines, plus an internship. Practical concentrations both identify courses that are related in meaningful ways to specific vocational opportunities and make evident the connections among courses in different disciplines. Practical concentrations may require different course sequences for students, depending on their major.

Practical concentrations are offered on an ‘as available’ basis. Availability depends on the presence or absence of specific faculty. The College seeks to offer practical concentrations that will benefit its students, but does not guarantee that a particular practical concentration can be completed in each and every year. As with majors and minors, practical concentrations are noted on the student’s academic transcript, but not on the diploma.


A registration advisement period is set aside during the Fall and spring terms of each year to allow students to consult with academic advisors and prepare registration materials. The Schedule of Classes published each semester provides details concerning registration procedures. Students must complete paperless pre-registration processes by the deadlines stated each term in the Schedule of Classes. Late registration fines will be assessed for all students who fail to meet deadlines.


To graduate in four years, students must average seventeen-and-a-half (17.5) successfully completed semester hours each semester. A full-time student in the College of Liberal Arts is normally registered for sixteen to twenty (16-20) semester hours during the Fall and spring terms.

Minimum full-time status is defined as twelve (12) semester hours. However, individual financial aid, scholarship, and/or other requirements may impose different minimum requirements.

An overload consists of more than twenty-two (22) semester hours during a term. Students seeking to enroll in twenty-three (23) or more semester hours in a given term must have a cumulative GPA of no less than 3.0. Students who do not meet this requirement may request permission to enroll in twenty-three (23) or more semester hours by completing the Office of Student Records’ Request For Course Overload form and submitting it to the Office of Student Records for consideration by the Appeals Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee. This form must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. of the 3rd day of ‘Add Week’. Students with a grade of ‘I’ (Incomplete), ‘R’ (Deferred), or ‘Z’ (No Grade Reported) must resolve this grade or explain it in a manner acceptable to the Appeals Subcommittee prior to being granted permission to register for more than twenty-two (22) semester hours. Under no circumstances will a student with a GPA less than 2.0 be permitted to carry an overload. Overloads will not be granted to students in their first semester at Rollins except by appeal. All students wishing to enroll in more than thirty (30) semester hours must employ the appeal process.

The Request For Course Overload form requires the support of the academic advisor.

All international students in F-1 or J-1 status are required by Federal immigration law to be registered full-time each Fall and spring semester. Full-time is twelve (12) or more semester hours per term. International students must register and remain registered for at least twelve (12) semester hours each term. If you have a concern about your ability to stay registered full-time, you MUST see the International Student Services Coordinator PRIOR to dropping any courses that would bring you below the twelve (12) semester hour minimum.


CLA courses may be audited by full-time College of Liberal Arts students, persons with special student status (part-time students), or College faculty and staff, based on space availability and instructor approval. All auditors are responsible for any course fees or books, including fees associated with music courses/applied music (private lessons). Part-time students and non-students (members of the community) will be charged a nominal matriculation fee per course audited as determined.


Rollins College reserves the right to cancel classes based on enrollment and/or instructor availability. In the event that a course is cancelled, a notation will be made on the list of course offerings. If a student is enrolled in a class that must be cancelled, the student will be notified by the registrar in a timely fashion and prompted to enroll in another class.”


All changes in registration require the faculty advisor’s signature and must be made during the first week of the term to add a course, or during the first two weeks to drop a course.


Under exceptional circumstances, students may add courses, internships, or independent studies to their class schedules after the end of the official schedule change (add-drop) period, provided that the permission of both the instructor and the academic advisor is obtained. Late add fines will be applied to student accounts for each course, internship, or independent study added. Students who receive any form of Federal financial aid are reminded that they must be registered for a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours by not later than the tenth (10th) in-class day each term or their Federal financial aid awards will be compromised.


After the second week of class, the instructor’s signature is required to drop a course. Verbal notification from the instructor or failure to attend class does not constitute withdrawal. Students who abandon a course without filing the proper withdrawal form automatically receive a failing grade of ‘WF.’

A course dropped after the first two weeks of classes, but before Friday of the tenth week of classes (the “Drop without Penalty” deadline), is recorded on the student’s permanent record as a ‘W.’ Withdrawal from a course after this deadline is possible only if approved by the Academic Appeals Committee. Students are responsible for consulting with the instructor regarding class standing prior to the final date for withdrawal from courses. Instructors are responsible for providing students with a graded report concerning class standing before the final date for withdrawal from courses. Students who withdraw from a course after Friday of the tenth week of classes (the “Drop without Penalty” deadline) receive a grade of ‘WF.’

Students dropping Information Technology (IFT) short courses (those meeting three weeks or less) prior to the second class meeting will have no notation placed on their transcripts. Students dropping IFT courses after the second class meeting, but prior to the mid-point of the course will receive a ‘W’ notation. Students dropping after the mid-point of an IFT course will receive a notation of ‘NC.’

Students dropping Intersession courses on the first day of class have no notation placed on their transcripts. Intersession courses dropped on the second class meeting day receive grades of ‘W’ on the student’s permanent record. Intersession courses dropped on the third class day or later receive ‘NC’ (no credit) grades.

All international students in F-1 or J-1 status must receive permission from the International Student Services Coordinator PRIOR to dropping any courses that would bring them below the twelve (12) semester hour minimum. Failure to receive PRIOR permission may result in a termination of the student’s immigration status.


Students who wish to take a course on a credit/no-credit (CR/NC) basis rather than for a letter grade must complete the appropriate form, available on the Student Records webpage **Stephanie, another hyper link, delete?  http://www.rollins.edu/student-records/forms/index.html, no later than two weeks, ten (10) class days, after the beginning of the Fall or spring terms. Courses normally offered for a letter grade, in which the student has elected to change to a CR/NC grade, may not be used to fulfill general education, major, minor, or concentration requirements.

If a grade of ‘C-’ or better is earned, a mark of ‘CR’ and the appropriate number of semester hours are granted. If a grade below a ‘C-’ is earned, the course is abandoned, or the course is withdrawn from after the penalty deadline, a mark of ‘NC’ is granted. In any case, the grade point average is not affected. Courses taken CR/NC may not be used to fulfill general education, major, minor, or concentration requirements. No more than one (1) letter-graded course per term may be declared credit/no-credit, and a maximum of four (4) such courses may count toward graduation. Courses normally graded as CR/NC (internships, information technology, and applied music, for example) do not count toward the per term or graduation limits.

Once the CR/NC declaration is made for a given course in a given semester, students may not later request that the CR/NC be changed to a letter grade. In a subsequent semester, students may repeat a course graded CR/NC for a letter grade, but will not earn credit hours for the course a second time. (See the College’s policy on repeated courses, above.)

The Academic Internship course, normally graded as CR/NC, may be used to fulfill major or minor requirements with the approval of the Department Chair/ Internship Representative. Students should first check with their Faculty Advisor to ensure they have satisfied all department prerequisites to participate in an internship for major or minor credit. Departments approving internships for major or minor credit should adhere to the minimum standards of the Academic Internship Program. To receive major or minor credit for an internship, the Academic Internship Programs Credit Approval Form should be signed by both the students’ Faculty Advisor and the Department Chair/ Internship Representative. The Department Chair/ Internship Representative should request to see the internship job description before approving the internship. The Department Chair/ Internship Representative have the option to add supplemental requirements in order for the student to receive credit. These additions to the internship syllabus must be communicated both to the student and the Director of Academic Internships prior to starting the internship. Students who earn credit in the major or minor are typically registered for 4 semester hours. The Department Chair/ Internship Representative who has approved major or minor credit should give the final grade approval of CR/NC to the Director of Academic Internships or the designated faculty member supervising the internship course. An internship that is declined for major or minor credit may still be approved for interdisciplinary credit that counts towards student general elective requirements.


Students may also exercise a one-time option of Last Day of Classes Credit/No Credit. In this option, students are permitted to declare a class Credit/No Credit up until the last scheduled day of classes, before the official exam period begins, for the term in which they are enrolled. This option is available for one course, and for one time only during a student’s career at Rollins.

If a grade of ‘C-’ or better is earned, a mark of ‘CR’ and the appropriate number of semester hours are granted. If a grade below a ‘C-’ is earned, the course is abandoned, or the course is withdrawn from after the penalty deadline, a mark of ‘NC’ is granted. In any case, the grade point average is not affected.

Courses taken under this option may not be used to fulfill general education, major, minor, or concentration requirements. Courses with general education designations for which the CR/NC option is elected will not earn general education designations. Once the CR/NC declaration is made for a given course in a given semester, students may not later request that the CR/NC be changed to a letter grade. In a subsequent semester, students may repeat a course graded CR/NC for a letter grade, but will not earn credit hours for the course a second time. (See the College’s policy on repeated courses, above.)


The last week of classes in the fall and spring terms is reserved for final examinations. All courses include a final examination, with possible exceptions for performance, writing, independent study, or seminar courses where other means of evaluation are more appropriate. Courses follow the exam schedule for the college through which they are offered.

The final examination must be offered in the time period scheduled in the examination matrix prepared by the Office of the Registrar, unless the Dean and the Provost have approved a change. An alternative period for unusual examination procedures, such as an oral examination, may be used provided the students involved do not encounter conflicts with other scheduled examinations. Tests or examinations may be offered through the penultimate week of classes, but must not be employed in lieu of a final examination. Final papers, research reports and other similar assignments, except those in lieu of a final examination, should be due before examinations begin to help students avoid conflicts. 

If a student has more than two final examinations scheduled in one day, s/he has the right to reschedule one examination to an open date within the final examination period.

Department chairs are responsible for overseeing the implementation of the final examination policy. 


Students may repeat courses regardless of the grades earned. However, students will only earn credit hours for the course one time. All grades will be calculated in the GPA, and all courses and grades will be part of the official academic transcript.


A mark of ‘I,’ indicating that the work of a course is incomplete, may be assigned only when serious and compelling circumstances beyond the control of the student – such as illness or necessary absence from the campus – have made it impossible for the student to complete the course work within the normal period. Students are responsible for completing the Contract for an Incomplete Grade form available on the Student Records delete?   http://www.rollins.edu/student-records/forms/index.html. Students contracting for a mark of ‘I’ in the Fall term must complete the course work no later than the end of the second week of the succeeding spring term. Students contracting for an ‘I’ in the spring term must complete the work no later than the end of the second week of the succeeding Fall term. Failure to complete the course in the designated time will result in a grade of ‘F.’

Faculty may not assign a grade of ‘I’ without the Contract for an Incomplete Grade, nor may a faculty member not assign a grade, a de facto Incomplete. Faculty who fail to submit a grade for a student by the deadline set by the College will be penalized at the discretion of the Dean

Hamilton Holt School Enrollment

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors enrolled in the College may register for one undergraduate course per academic year in the Hamilton Holt School on a tuition-free basis, if approved by their academic advisor. During summer terms, Arts and Sciences and Professional Studies students are expected to pay full tuition and fees for Holt School courses taken.

Holt School courses have the same academic value as the College of Liberal Arts courses, unless exception is made in writing. Grades earned are calculated as part of the student’s grade point average. Academic adviser approval is required for registration in Holt School courses. Students interested in taking a Holt School course must initiate registration through the Student Records Office. Students academically or socially dismissed from the College of Liberal Arts are dismissed from all Rollins College programs.

In an effort to ensure the availability of Holt School courses to the student population they were designed to serve, approved College of Liberal Arts students are registered in Holt School sections on a space-available basis: a maximum of five (5) College of Liberal Arts students may register for any given course.

.Transfer and Other Credit


Students may receive advanced standing by several means. This includes but is not limited to credit for Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and dual enrollment courses. Credit granted for any of these or by similar means does not automatically exempt a student from the general education requirements of the College. Please contact the Office of Student Records for additional information.

Transfer of Credit

A transfer student is an incoming student who has attended a regionally accredited college post-high school. Transfer student athletes should consult with Athletics regarding eligibility.

Transfer students must meet all general education curriculum and major requirements to earn a Rollins College degree. The Office of Student Records reviews and evaluates courses taken at other institutions, determines courses/credit to be accepted, and prepares a Transfer Course Evaluation. The evaluation lists all courses accepted and any general education requirements those courses fulfill. The major department makes decisions regarding fulfillment of major requirements through transfer credit.

In the evaluation of transfer credit, four (4) semester hours equals one Rollins course. Transfer credit is awarded for coursework taken at regionally-accredited (Middle States, North Central, New England, Northwest, Southern, and Western Association) institutions, or the equivalent international institution. Transfer credit is not awarded for courses with a grade below “C-.” All transfer courses must be officially letter-graded by the originating institution, with the exception of internships which may be graded Pass/Fail or Credit/No Credit if they meet the specific criteria outlined in the Education Programs and Opportunities section of this Catalogue. No more than the equivalent of sixty-four (64) semester hours of credit are accepted from a two-year institution. Students with sixty (60) semester hours of credit enter Rollins College with junior standing, but may need additional time to fulfill the requirements of specific majors.

Rollins College participates in an articulation agreement between the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) and the Division of Florida Colleges. Through this participation, students who enter Rollins with a completed Associate of Arts (AA) degree from a Florida community college or state college and transfer a total of sixty (60) semester hours, will matriculate with junior standing. Transfer credits/hours must meet the same standards and program requirements as those for native Rollins students. Rollins College accepts all A.A. degrees from accredited institutions in the same way that A.A. degrees from accredited Florida institutions are accepted.

Transfer credit for courses will only be awarded for grades of “C-” or better, as is the standard for all transfer students in the College of Liberal Arts. No more than a total of sixty-four (64) semester hours will be awarded to a student for transfer work from a two-year college. Rollins College will not transfer credits obtained from a secondary institution via online, blended, or distance learning courses, if a student simultaneously is enrolled in full-time courses at a different institution (including Rollins). Rollins College reserves the right to not award transfer credit for courses that are not considered appropriate for a pragmatic liberal arts education.

Students transferring in with a completed A.A. degree are considered to have met general education requirements. A student’s previous grade-point-average (GPA) does not carry forward; a Rollins GPA is determined only on the basis of courses completed at Rollins.

Once admitted to full-time degree-seeking status in the College of Liberal Arts, students must complete at least seventy (70) semester hours in the College (including Rollins Approved Semester, Summer and Field Study programs, and approved Hamilton Holt School courses).  Moreover, students must be enrolled full-time in the College of Arts & Sciences or College of Professional Studies (including Hamilton Holt School courses) during the last two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summer terms).  Students must complete a minimum of 140 semester hours of academic work, of which at least sixty-four (64) semester hours must be outside a single departmental prefix.  All students must complete a minimum of sixteen (16) semester hours that are not used to meet either a general education curriculum or major requirement. If a course taken previously is repeated at Rollins, credit for the transfer course will be removed from the student’s record.


Students are awarded four (4) semester hours of credit for each AP examination on which they earn a score of four (4) or five (5). Students who present scores of four (4) or higher on the AP English Language and Composition examination or the AP English Literature and Composition examination are exempt from satisfying the College’s ‘Writing general education curriculum requirement. Students who present scores of four (4) or five (5) on the AP Statistics examination are exempt from satisfying the College’s ‘Quantitative Reasoning general education curriculum requirement. Credit earned from other AP examinations does not exempt students from any other of the College’s general education curriculum requirements.

Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)

Each score of one (1) or two (2) on CAPE Examinations is worth four (4) semester hours of academic credit. Credit earned through CAPE Examinations does not exempt students from any of the general education curriculum requirements.


Credit for IB course work is granted for students with an IB diploma, on a course by course basis. Students with an IB Diploma and a score of thirty (30) or better will be awarded one year (thirty-two [32] semester hours) of credit. Students without the Diploma, or with the Diploma and a score of less than thirty (30), will be awarded eight (8) semester hours for each higher-level score of five (5) or better and four (4) semester hours for each score of four (4) or better (on a higher or subsidiary level), to a maximum of twenty-four (24) semester hours. General education credit will be awarded as appropriate, to be determined by suitable bodies. Advanced placement will be awarded for major courses, subject to departmental approval. Students who present both IB and AP work in the same subject area will not be awarded double credit.


Grades of ‘A’ through ‘C’ on most British GCE A-level exams earn two course credits, eight (8) semester hours, per examination.

Summer Course Work

Students may take courses at other institutions, including the Hamilton Holt School, during summer terms, though these courses do not count toward the College of Liberal Arts residency requirements. Students must secure approval from their academic advisor, major/minor department chair, and the Office of Student Records regarding both the institution and specific courses prior to enrollment in another program. A Request for Permission to Study Outside of the College of Liberal Arts form is available on the Student Records web site (http://www.rollins.edu/student-records/index.html) and must be used to obtain approval. Courses not pre-approved by the advisor, department chair, and Office of Student Records will not be accepted for transfer. Although grades do not transfer, with the exception of Rollins programs, courses must be taken for a letter grade. Academic credit is given only if a grade of ‘C-’ or better is earned. In addition, students must ensure that the institution attended, other than Rollins programs, sends an official transcript to Rollins after courses are completed. Students are responsible for requesting that an official transcript be sent directly to the Office of Student Records after completing summer courses.

Transcripts and Academic Records


Rollins College complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The Act is as follows:

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”

  • Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
  • Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.
  • Parents or eligible students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by [Rollins College] to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Compliance Office

US Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20202

  •  Parents or eligible students have the right to provide written consent before the university discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student’s educational records. [Rollins College] must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. [Under FERPA, however, Rollins College is permitted] to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR §99.31):
    • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
    • Other schools to which a student seeks or intends to enroll;
    • Specified officials, such as Federal, State, or local educational authorities, for the purposes of audit or evaluation of supported educational programs, or enforcement of compliance with legal requirements relating to those programs;
    • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
    • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
    • Accrediting organizations;
    • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
    • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies;
    • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law;
    • Parents of an “eligible student” to his or her parents if the student is a “dependent student,” as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code. Generally, if either parent has claimed the student as a dependent on the parent’s most recent income tax statement, the school may non-consensually disclose the student’s education records to both parents;
    • A victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense, subject to the requirements of §99.39. The disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, regardless of the finding:
    • The general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, subject to the requirements of §99.39, if the school determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the school’s rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against him or her; and
    • Parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the school, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the school determines the student committed a disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21.

[Rollins College] may also disclose, without consent, “directory information.” “Directory information” is personally identifiable information that is not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed and may include information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, [Rollins College] must inform parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. [Rollins College] must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification…is left to the discretion of each school.

Under FERPA, Rollins College may define and disclose “directory information” provided that students and/or parents are notified of items that are deemed to be “directory information.” As such, Rollins College defines “directory information” as including the following, as applicable:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Date and place of birth
  • Individually identifiable photographs of the student solicited or maintained directly by Rollins as part of the educational record
  • Enrollment status, full-/part-time classification, and class level
  • College/division, dates of attendance, and class schedule
  • Major and minor field(s) of study
  • Expected and actual graduation date
  • Degrees, awards, and honors received
  • Official athletic participation and athlete height and weight
  • Name and location of most recent previously attended educational institution

Sources: More links…..delete?

U.S. Department of Education

http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html &  http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/parents.html

Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute



Retention of Records

The Office of Student Records at Rollins College retains records and registration documents according to the guidelines established by the American Association of Collegiate Registrar and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). Academic records, change of grade forms, original grade sheets, and graduation lists are considered permanent and are not discarded. Records are kept from one (1) to five (5) years after graduation or date of last attendance. Written records retention policies are available from the Office of Student Records.


The Office of Student Records produces official and unofficial transcripts of students’ academic work at Rollins College. Official transcripts of the College include the following information: course prefix and number, course title, grades, term and cumulative grade point averages, earned hours, academic standing, date of graduation and degrees, certifications or academic honors earned, and, if appropriate, transfer or affiliated coursework and transfer grades.

Written requests for transcripts with signature and other identifying information are required and may be submitted in person, by mail, or by facsimile. E-mail and/or telephone requests are not accepted in order to protect the privacy of students.

Payment of a nominal fee is required prior to processing of all requests and additional charges for rush services may be assessed. Current students may opt to have fees charged to their student accounts, all other requests must be prepaid by check or credit card. Specific instructions and fee schedules are available on the Student Records web page, (http://www.rollins.edu/student-records/transcript-requests/index.html).

Under no circumstances will transcripts be issued to any student who has an outstanding debt due to the College or any other hold on their College account.

Requests for official transcripts must be made in writing to:

Office of Student Records
Rollins College
Carnegie Building

1000 Holt Avenue - 2725
Winter Park, FL 32789

Leaves of Absence and Withdrawals

Students who wish to take a leave of absence must make this request through the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, Warren Administration Building, Second Floor. A leave of absence may be granted for a program of work, study, or travel that demonstrably contributes to the student’s personal development or program of study at Rollins, or for medical, financial, or personal reasons. Students may not remain on campus while on a leave of absence. Students who need to return to campus while on leave may do so only after coordinating with the Dean of Student Affairs.

Students may apply for a leave of absence for no more than one (1) academic year.

Requests for a leave of absence must be filed prior to the beginning of classes for a full refund for the first term of the leave and be approved by the Dean of Student Affairs. Requests filed after the start of classes will be subject to a prorated refund schedule. The Dean requires approval from the student’s faculty advisor if the plans for a leave of absence contribute directly to the Rollins program of study.

Students studying off-campus in a Rollins or other affiliated program need not apply for a leave of absence. Such students register through the Office of International Programs.

Applications for readmission from a leave of absence are submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs. Readmission will only be considered by the Dean of Students for students who have been gone from the College no longer than one (1) academic year (two semesters). Students who are absent longer than (1) one year must reapply through the standard College admission process as a Transfer Student. Students who took a leave for medical reasons must furnish a physician’s statement certifying that they are able to resume their studies. Any student readmitted after an absence may be subject to the academic requirements stated in the current College Catalogue. Requests for readmission from a personal leave of absence should be submitted no later than three (3) weeks before the first day of classes. Applications should include all appropriate supporting documentation.

Students may voluntarily withdraw from Rollins by filing a withdrawal form by appointment with the Dean of Student Affairs Office. After the second week of classes, the withdrawal is recorded on the student’s transcript as a ‘W.’ Students who withdraw from the College after the Friday of the tenth week of classes (the “Drop without Penalty” deadline) are assigned grades of ‘WF’ for all their courses. After the Friday of the tenth week of classes (the “Drop without Penalty” deadline), students may not withdraw from courses without receiving failing grades, except for illness or other compelling reasons to be defined by the Curriculum Committee.

Medical Leave of Absence

For students who are temporarily unable to continue their studies due to medical or psychological issues.

Medical Leave is a category of non-academic leave. While on leave the student is not considered to be currently enrolled in the College, but is considered to be in good standing with the College.

The Dean of Student Affairs grants a medical leave of absence to a student. Because a medical leave is sometimes needed to cope with sudden emergencies, a student may request a medical leave at any time during the semester. The medical leave must, however, be approved/granted prior to the end of classes for the academic semester in order to take effect for that semester.

The length of the medical leave depends on the nature and severity of the health concern. It is the concern of the Office of Health Services and the Office of Counseling and Psychological Services that the leave be long enough to allow a student to regain the health and energy required to manage a full-time academic load in a residential environment. In the case of physical medical leaves, the length of the leave is determined by the length of time needed to ameliorate the physical ailment. In contrast, due to the nature of psychological medical leaves, a student often requires at least one (1) additional semester for treatment and stabilization of the condition.

To take a medical leave, a student may speak with either the Dean of Student Affairs, someone in Health Services, or Counseling and Psychological Services. Before a leave is granted, a student must consult with either the Director of Health Services or the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services to determine whether or not the condition can be successfully managed. Requests for a medical leave require thorough and credible documentation by an appropriate health care provider. These professional staff will then make a recommendation to the Dean of Student Affairs as to whether the leave is warranted and create a written plan for what needs to be accomplished during the leave. When students are placed on medical leave, all grades for the semester are noted as ‘W’ withdrawn. Students found responsible for violations of the College’s Honor Code will receive any grades that are a part of Honor Council sanctions.

Student athletes should consult with the Director of Athletics or the compliance officer to determine if a medical leave will impact their NCAA eligibility.

International students should consult with the Director of International Student and Scholar Services regarding the effect of a medical leave on their immigration status.

Students receiving financial aid (grants, loans, and/or scholarships) should consult with the Office of Financial Aid before requesting a medical leave to determine the impact on their financial aid when they return.

Students on any type of leave are not eligible to enroll in the student insurance plan. Eligibility requirements of the plan stipulate that the student must be a full-time undergraduate College of Liberal Arts student taking a minimum of 12 credit hours and must actively attend classes for at least the first 31 days after the date for which coverage is purchased. These requirements are not established by Rollins College, but by the student insurance company and are standard across most if not all student insurance plans.

If students have other considerations, such as, Honors Degree Program status or course requirements for a major, they should consult with academic departments and advisors.

Students on medical leave are not automatically reinstated to Rollins College. The student will be asked to provide documentation and a written recommendation from an appropriate health care provider to the Dean of Student Affairs confirming the student has completed all treatment recommendations and that the student’s health will support a successful return to full-time academic work on a residential campus. The Dean will present this information to the Reinstatement Committee for consideration of and planning for the student’s return. Both student and parent must review and agree to the requirements outlined on the Contract for Success before reinstatement. No academic credit earned during a medical leave will be transferable back to the College.

All written documents for requests regarding a return from medical leave must be received by June 1st for Fall semester and November 1st for spring semester.

If students are not prepared to return to the campus in the semester following 12 months of medical leave, they must request in writing an extension of the medical leave. This request should be submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs and should include specific information about the student’s need for more time away.

The College may require a student to take a medical leave of absence if, in the judgment of the Dean of Student Affairs and the professional staff of the Division, the student: (a) poses a threat to the lives or safety of himself/herself or other members of the Rollins community; (b) has a medical or psychological problem which cannot be properly treated in the College setting; or (c) has evidenced a medical condition or behavior that seriously interferes with the student’s ability to function and/or seriously interferes with the educational pursuits of other members of the Rollins community.

Students will not be granted more than two (2) medical leaves, each of one (1) year duration, for a total of not more than two (2) years.

[Note: In making the decision to require a student to take a medical leave, the Dean of Student Affairs must act out of concern for the student and his or her rights, concern for the other students, and concern for the College as a whole. The Dean will have to consider whether the College is able to provide the level of care and guidance needed, whether there is a likelihood that the student will pose a threat to himself/herself or others, and/or to what extent the student seriously interferes with the rights of the others in the community to carry on their educational pursuits.]

For both voluntary and required leaves, the policy on refunds as posted by the Bursar will apply.

Readmission After Medical Leave

If a student must leave Rollins for medical reasons, he or she must take sufficient time away to adequately address the issues that necessitated the leave. Students who depart the College after the tenth week of classes in any semester may not return until after the expiration of both the semester during which leave was taken and the next full Fall or spring semester, i.e., a student who takes a medical leave in December, if readmitted on petition, may not return until the Fall of the following school year.

During this absence, the College expects the student to undergo professional health-care treatment as the primary method of resolving the problem. Failure to seek ongoing treatment of a kind appropriate to the health problems will raise serious doubt as to the student’s readiness to resume student status. In such a case, the College may withhold admission until such time that appropriate treatment has been received.

A student on medical leave who wishes to return, must initiate a request for readmission by writing a letter to the Dean of Student Affairs detailing what has been accomplished during the absence. The student must also provide supporting documentation from a healthcare professional that addresses the following: the specific diagnosis that precipitated the need for care; the treatment plan; gains that were made as a result of the treatment; the readiness of the students to return to Rollins and the potential impact of the intellectual, physical, and personal demands of being a full-time residential student; any special conditions under which the student should be readmitted; and a recommended treatment plan to support the student’s transition back to campus. To facilitate the decision for readmission, the student must grant permission for the off campus healthcare provider to consult with the appropriate professional at Rollins, i.e., the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services or the Director of Health Services. Requests for readmission and the supporting documentation are due no less than three (3) weeks prior to the first day of classes for the Fall and spring semesters.

The information gathered is reviewed by a committee comprised of the Dean of Student Affairs, the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services, the Director of Health Services, and the Director of Residential Life. When a student is permitted to return, special conditions or requirements may be outlined, and upon return, the student is expected adhere to the prescribed conditions or requirements. Failure to do so may result in the student’s dismissal from the College. The decision to readmit a student from a health leave of absence is a provisional judgment which may be reversed if a student fails to be a responsible member of the Rollins community.

Compassionate Leave

A student may request a leave of absence when extraordinary personal reasons, not related to the student’s physical or mental health prevent the student from continuing classes, e.g., death in the immediate family. Requests are made to and approved by the Dean of Student Affairs.

If the student departs after the start of the semester, the student will be granted grades of ‘W’ in all enrolled courses (even if the normal deadline for withdrawal without penalty has passed). A student on compassionate leave who wishes to return may do so by initiating a written request for readmission to the Dean of Student Affairs. Requests for readmission are due no less than three (3) weeks prior to the start of classes.

Personal Leave

A leave of absence may be granted for a program of work, study, or travel that demonstrably contributes to the student’s personal development or program of study at Rollins. A student may also request a personal leave for reasons related to financial hardship. Requests for personal leave are submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs. Requests for readmission are due no less than three (3) weeks prior to the start of classes.

Financial Aid

Students leaving the College in the middle of the semester should pay particular attention to how this might affect current financial aid eligibility. Please refer to the FAQ’s on the Student Financial Aid Office website, http://www.rollins.edu/finaid/, delete hyper link?? or speak with the Student Financial Aid Office directly.

Students who withdraw or leave the College for a duration greater than one (1) academic year are not guaranteed a similar financial aid award package upon their return. The policies and availability of financial aid might vary from one year to the next. Therefore, no student is guaranteed Rollins’ grants and scholarships upon their return to the College. Students who have been gone for more than one (1) academic year will be considered for financial aid in comparison to all other Transfer Students being admitted in that same semester.

Academic Suspension:

When a student’s study and work habits do not meet the high standards required of Rollins College, a suspension may be well spent at another institution developing more effective habits. No academic credit earned during an academic suspension will be transferable back to the College.

Social Suspension:

When personal or social issues have led to the suspension, Rollins College requires the student to use the suspension to address the personal and/or social issues impeding academic success. In the case of a social suspension, enrolling in another academic institution for the suspension may not be to the student’s advantage. No academic credit earned during a social suspension will be transferable back to the College.

Readmission Procedure:

Before a student will be readmitted to the College, s/he must present a case demonstrating s/he is prepared to resume academic work. Typically, this includes a letter from the student detailing how the issue(s) related to the suspension were successfully addressed. In addition, the student is required to arrange an interview with a representative from the Office of the Dean of the Faculty to discuss readmission to Rollins College.

Appeals of Academic Policies

Rollins College is committed to fostering the academic and social success of each student. In the event the College deems a student’s work or behavior to be unacceptable, the student will be suspended academically and progress toward graduation will be disrupted. Students suspended academically from campus are advised to spend the intervening time addressing the scholastic and/or social issues that led to the suspension from Rollins College. Suspended students may attend another institution of higher learning, but Rollins College does not award credit for any academic work the student undertakes during the period of suspension.

Students may appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee the effects of any academic policy that applies to them. All appeals must be made within one (1) year of the conclusion of term for which the appeal is made. To submit an academic appeal, the student must complete the following steps.

Step l: Consult with their academic advisor, then schedule an appointment with the coordinator of academic appeals, Mae Fitchett (407-646-1559), to discuss their individual situation and to determine required documentation.

Step 2: Submit a written Appeal using the online appeals process.

Step 3: Review their DegreeWorks academic audit for accuracy. Report any discrepancies to the Office of Student Records.

Step 4: Submit all supporting documentation to accompany the appeal to Mae Fitchett, still the correct contact person?, with an explanation or note that it is to accompany the appeal. Students should follow-up to confirm that documents were received.

The Committee will discuss appeals only after all required documentation has been submitted. Required documentation also may include information from the advisor and/or professor. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all documentation is submitted by the dates outlined on the Academic Appeals web site; appeals received after the student deadline will be reviewed at the next Appeals meeting.

Additional information and procedures for academic appeals may be found on the Academic Appeals web, hyper link, delete? site https://rpublic.rollins.edu/sites/ASCPS/SitePages/Academic%20Appeals.aspx .Residency
Once admitted to full-time degree status in the College of Liberal Arts, students must complete at least seventy (70) semester hours in the College (including Rollins or Rollins-affiliated off-campus courses, and approved Hamilton Holt School courses). Moreover, students must be enrolled full-time in the College of Liberal Arts during the last two (2) consecutive semesters (excluding summer terms).