Mar 31, 2025  
2019-20 College of Liberal Arts 
2019-20 College of Liberal Arts [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Information Technology

Information Technology

Rollins has made a significant investment in technology during the past several years. All residence hall rooms, as well as classrooms and labs are connected by wireless and wired to the campus network and to the Internet.

Several computer labs provide general and special-use facilities for students. Public labs are available in the Bush Science Center, Cornell Hall for Social Sciences, and the Olin Library’s Electronic Research and Information Center. These labs are networked to printing facilities, the campus network, and the Internet. Computers for writing and quantitative learning instruction are available in the Thomas P. Johnson Student Resource Center in the Mills Memorial Center.

Public computers are also available in the Olin Library and Cornell Campus Center to provide convenient Internet and e-mail access. Most computer labs along with the Student Help Desk are available more than 90 hours each week, with 24 hour access available, in the Olin Electronic Research and Information Center.

More than 90-percent of Rollins students either bring their own computer to campus or purchase or rent computers through the College. Information on computer sales and rentals is provided to incoming students with their matriculation information and is offered to current students periodically during the school year. While both Macintosh and Windows computers are used on campus, preferences of Rollins faculty and students closely match those of the computer market in general; Windows PCs are the preferred platform for most, with the vast majority of computer software being used by faculty available in that format.

A variety of microcomputer software is available in the labs, including word processing, multi-media and web design, programming languages, statistical packages, and discipline-specific software for individual courses. E-mail and Web page storage for student web sites is provided to all students and accessible on the Rollins Web server at

The Department of Information Technology offers courses throughout the year, both credit and non-credit, on topics such as Using the World Wide Web for Research, Digital Video, and Creating Home Pages on the World Wide Web.

Opportunities for student employment are varied within Information Technology, and include Web page design and writing, student lab assistants, and Help Desk and computer hardware consultants. In addition, IT grants are offered to about a dozen incoming students with strong interests in computer technology; information on this program is available from the Office of Admissions.

For more information, Department of Information Technology 407- 628-6326.