Feb 11, 2025  
2021-22 Hamilton Holt Undergraduate 
2021-22 Hamilton Holt Undergraduate [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Advising Resources

Hamilton Holt School academic advisers are available for academic counseling from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Appointments are recommended. Degree-seeking students should schedule an advising appointment prior to beginning their coursework to have their program of study approved. Academic advisors are ready to respond to the academic concerns of students, help those having difficulties in their program, and provide referrals to the appropriate resources and/or departments on campus.

Center for Career and Life Planning

The Center for Career & Life Planning assists students and alumni in the career development process, focusing on self-assessment, career exploration, and career decision-making. The center provides a variety of services and resources including career counseling, various workshops focused on post-graduation employment and graduate school, and experiential opportunities such as internships and on-campus jobs. Students may schedule appointments to meet with a career advisor or come in during walk-in advising hours, weekdays from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. For more information, including upcoming events and more complete descriptions of services available, contact the Center for Career & Life Planning at (407) 646-2195 or visit the Career Center’s website at http://www.rollins.edu/career-life-planning/index.html.

Olin Library

When Rollins College was founded in 1885, its library collection consisted of a Bible and a dictionary. More than 130 years later, students have at their disposal considerable library resources ranging from ancient tomes to the latest technology in information retrieval.

The Library’s collections reflect the liberal arts mission of the College and strongly support the curriculum. Holdings currently include 138 research databases, over 318,000 volumes, access to more than 67,000 journals online and in print, a number of special collections, and thousands of documentaries and movies streaming online and on DVDs. Ten librarians partner with faculty throughout the College to teach students how to effectively search for, evaluate and use information resources, visiting over 100 classes each year and are available for individual research help by drop in or appointment, in person, online, and via phone for over seventy hours per week. Librarians are happy to sit down individually with Holt School students returning to school to bring them up to date with all that a modern academic library has to offer.

The Olin Library, a $4.7 million gift of the F.W. Olin Foundation, was dedicated in 1985. Rising impressively near the shores of Lake Virginia, the four-level, 54,000-square-foot structure retains the Spanish Colonial architecture that dominates the campus. A second gift of $2.7 million established the Olin Electronic Research and Information Center. The combined facility features the latest technology, including computer workstations, a variety of software applications, online databases, full internet access, color and 3-D printers, and digitizing equipment. These tools facilitate students’ creativity as they pursue research questions, and prepare multimedia presentations and web pages. Olin also houses Tutoring & Writing Consultations in which peer writing consultants work with individual students to help improve their writing and peer tutors help students improve their comprehension of course content. The main floor of the building is open 24/7 to all Rollins students through secure R-Card access.

The College Archives and Special Collections Department, housed on the first floor of the Olin Library, provides further opportunities for research in rare books and manuscripts and the historical records of Rollins College. Special collections emphasize the liberal arts character of the Library. Examples include the William Sloane Kennedy bequest of Whitmaniana; the Jesse B. Rittenhouse library of modern poetry and literature, including her correspondence with many literary personalities; the Mead and Nehrling horticultural papers; and an outstanding collection of Floridiana. The Archives offer a wealth of information to local historians, collecting both documents of the institution and extensive holdings on the history of Winter Park.

The Olin Library has a robust wireless network throughout the buildings and houses the bookmark Café. It is an integral part of the instructional, intellectual, and cultural life of Rollins College.

For further information, call (407) 646-2627.

Tutoring and Writing Consulting at Olin Library

The Writing Center, staffed by trained peer consultants from across the curriculum, welcomes writers at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to revising to final editing. Writers of all abilities benefit from putting their work before an audience. Through one-on-one conversations and occasional group sessions, consultants serve Arts and Sciences and Hamilton Holt School undergraduate and graduate students, sharing strategies, questioning rhetorical choices, and summarizing their discussions for both clients and faculty members.

The Peer Tutoring Program hires and trains faculty-nominated peer tutors to help students understand and improve learning in specific courses. Since peer tutors have recently succeeded in these courses, they can often convince student clients to try more effective and efficient reading, learning, and problem-solving techniques. They then monitor students’ strategic use of these skills in later individual or group sessions. In addition, tutors give feedback on students’ understanding of course concepts in the early stages of writing. Professors and student clients receive copies of tutoring notes made during each session.

The Center is appointment-based, students must make their appointments before midnight of the previous day. Find the scheduler (WCOnline) through R-Net logins (at the bottom, Tutoring and Writing) or from the web pages in Olin Library’s web site. Students may login using their normal Rollins username and password, register (the first time) and then choose the appropriate schedule. Limit your search to the course you are taking in the tutoring schedule or to the kind of help you need in the Writing Center schedule. Then find an open appointment (in white) for the tutor or consultant you want to see. You will get a reminder email at 12:01 a.m. on your appointment day.

For more information about the Tutoring and Writing Consulting at Olin Library, call 407-646-2521 or visit http://rollins.edu/library/twc.

Information Technology

Rollins has made a significant investment in technology. All residence hall rooms as well as classrooms, labs, and offices are wired to the campus network and to the Internet. Wireless access is ubiquitous - both within and outside of buildings.

Several computer labs provide general and special-use facilities for students. Public labs are available in the Bush Science Center, Cornell Hall for Social Sciences, and the Olin Library’s Electronic Research and Information Center. Computers are networked to printing facilities, the campus network, and the Internet. Computers for writing and quantitative learning instruction are available in the Olin Library.

Public computers are also available in the Olin Library and Cornell Campus Center to provide convenient Internet and e-mail access. Computer labs along with the student help desk are available more than 90 hours a week, with 24-hour access in the Olin Electronic Research and Information Center.

More than 95-percent of Rollins students either bring their own computer to campus. Both Macintosh and Windows computers are used on campus, preferences of Rollins faculty and students closely match those of the computer market in general.

A variety of microcomputer software is available in the labs, including word processing, multimedia and web design, programming languages, statistical packages, and discipline-specific software for individual courses. All students receive a Rollins email account that they may keep for life after graduation.

For additional information, contact the Department of Information Technology at 407-628-6363.


The Rollins College Bookstore and Café is an important campus resource that provides students and faculty with the tools of their work. In addition to textbooks, the Bookstore has a large and current stock of learning materials and books for general interest. It is located near campus at 200 W. Fairbanks Avenue. Bookstore hours may be obtained by calling 407-646-2133. For more information, visit the Bookstore website at http://www.rollins.edu/bookstore/.

Parking and Campus Safety

All motor vehicles operated by students, faculty, and staff must be registered with the Rollins College Department of Campus Safety. Holt students must obtain a permit by filling out an application online http://www.rollins.edu/campus-safety/traffic-parking/vehicle-registration.html) or by visiting the Campus Safety Office, which is open 24 hours a day. Access to the SunTrust parking garage will be given, via your R-Card, once a Rollins College parking permit has been obtained. Please see the Campus Safety website for information on fees, citations, and other important parking information. Vehicle registration and an official Rollins College I.D. are required.

Campus Safety provides a variety of security services to the campus community. These include an after-hours (from dusk until dawn) courtesy escort to any location on campus, jump starting of batteries, printing of replacement R-Cards, managing lost and found and personal self-defense programs. Additionally, there is a system of emergency phones located at key locations on campus. Please familiarize yourself with all of the services, systems and programs aimed at reducing your risk of being impacted by criminal behavior and allowing you to make better personal security decisions.

Rollins also offers a personal safety app, Rave Guardian, which can be downloaded at no cost from Google Play or App Store. By installing this on your cell phone, you are able to have an emergency button, personal timer with guardians, and create a personal safety profile.

Rollins College is committed to assisting all members of the community and prospective students/employees in providing for their own safety and security. The annual security and fire safety report is available on the Rollins College website at http://www.rollins.edu/campus-safety/clery-compliance/index.html

If you would like to receive a hard-copy of this report, you can visit the Rollins College Campus Safety Department in the first level of the Facility Management Building or you can request that a copy be mailed to you by calling, 407-646-2999.

The website and booklet contain information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, the authority of the campus safety officers, crime reporting policies, fire safety, disciplinary procedures and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus. They also contain information about fire statistics in Rollins Residence Halls and crime statistics for the three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Rollins, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus.

This information is required by law and is provided by the Rollins College Campus Safety Department.

Dining Facilities

Rollins is recognized for serving some of the best food in the country. With seven on-campus locations, serving everything from Starbucks coffee to freshly rolled sushi, this is nothing like your high school cafeteria.

  • The Market Place (“Beans”)
    Features five specialty stations, including vegan and vegetarian, allergen free, and made-to-order Sushi, and is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner Monday through Friday, and for brunch and dinner on weekends.
  • C-Store
    A mini convenient store featuring made-to-order subs and is fully stocked with snacks, groceries including a wide variety of organic and gluten free items, sundries, and gifts.
  • Dave’s Boathouse
    Located in the lower level of the Cornell Campus Center, Dave’s Boathouse is a nautically themed, pub-style eartery that offers quick and casual service, a beer and wine menu, live music, and more.
  • Einstein Bagels
    Adjacent to the bookstore, this coffee shop serves Starbucks Fair Trade coffee and specialty drinks, sandwiches, desserts, gourmet soups, and fresh squeezed orange juice.
  • Cornell Café
    When you need good food fast, this Café located in the Cornell Hall for the Social Sciences features deli wraps and sub sandwiches prepared on freshly baked sub rolls and made to order tortillas. Other options include soup, gourmet chips, bottled beverages, fountain sodas, and grab-n-go snacks.
  • Bookmark Café
    Great food for great studying, the Bookmark Café is located in the library and features Starbucks Fair Trade coffee, a variety of cold beverages, and quick grab-n-go snacks, sandwiches, and salads.
  • Bush Café
    Located in the Bush Science Center, the Café features fresh fruit smoothies, grab-n-go sandwiches and salads, Starbucks Fair Trade coffee, and assorted bottled beverages and snack items.

Sports and Recreation

Hamilton Holt School students are eligible to participate in the following varsity sports at Rollins: water skiing, sailing, and men’s crew. Eligibility includes enrollment in 12 credit hours and maintenance of a 2.0 GPA. To participate, students should contact the appropriate coach for more information. Each sport may require up to 20 hours of practice per week during the competitive season as well as some travel expectations.

Students enrolled in classes at the Hamilton Holt School may use the Rollins fitness and recreational facilities, including the Tiedkte Tennis Courts, the Alfond Pool, and the Alfond Sports Center fitness facilities during normal operation hours from the start date of the semester to the start date of the following semester. A valid R-Card is required.

Students with a valid Rollins identification card (R-Card) may attend sports events at no charge. Children under the age of 12 are admitted for free. Children between the ages of 12 and 18 and spouses are charged a nominal fee for entrance.

For additional information, please call 407-646-2660, or 407-691-1735.

Wellness Services

Personal Counseling Services

Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled through the Hamilton Holt School may call the Rollins Wellness Center for an appointment. The Wellness Center is open between the 8:30am and 5:00pm. Services are free to current, degree-seeking Rollins students. Individual therapy, group therapy, and consultation sessions are provided by licensed mental health professionals and/or graduate student interns under supervision with licensed professionals. Services are confidential. For more information or to make an appointment, call 407-628-6340. Rollins Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is closed during June and July except for brief crisis intervention and victim advocacy. In the event of a crisis during the summer, students may wish to call 211 or “Lifeline” at 407-425-2624.

Health Services

Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled through the Hamilton Holt School may call the Rollins Wellness Center for an appointment. The Health Services staff provides episodic care for minor illnesses, STI testing, limited immunizations, and some preventative exams. Although office visits are free to current students, necessary testing, lab work, and other services may incur a fee. Please feel free to ask about cost prior to or during the appointment. Students with recurrent medical issues or outside the scope of services offered will be referred to medical specialists in the local community. To schedule an appointment, please call 407-628-6340. Health Services is closed during the June and July.

Victim Advocacy

Hamilton Holt students who have been the victim of violent crimes such as sexual assault, physical assault, harassment, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, hate-based incidents, and stalking may request the services of a confidential victim advocate at the office of the Title IX coordinator by calling (407) 691-1773 during regular business hours or at (407) 619-2329 after 5 PM. Victim advocates are on-call to assist students in understanding their legal options and to consider next steps in providing for personal safety.

Nonsmoking Policy on Campus

The Florida Indoor Clean Air Act prohibits smoking in all public facilities, including educational institutions. Smoking is prohibited in all College buildings, including private offices, dining facilities, and residence halls. Smoking is permitted on College grounds provided it occurs in designated areas. Smokers are reminded that improper disposal of smoking materials is a fire hazard and considered litter. All cigarette butts must be disposed of properly in an approved receptacle. The Non-Smoking Policy is available on the Human Resources website at http://www.rollins.edu/hr/policies/docs/safety/800250.pdf.

Student Organizations and Honor Societies

The School Student Government Association gives voice to Rollins’s students through representatives from different areas on campus, and an Executive Board of nine members. Representatives meet every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in Bieberbach Reed, and meetings are open to anyone on campus to attend. Senators of SGA sit on faculty-run boards throughout campus: academic affairs, finance and professional standards, and student life. Additional information is available at http://www.rollins.edu/sga/index.html.

The Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society was founded in 1945 to recognize adult students in higher education who have achieved academic excellence while fulfilling the many responsibilities of family, work, and community services. It is not restricted to any particular major or minor. The following criteria apply to election of students to membership.

  1. Members must be matriculated and have a minimum of 24 graded semester hours at the institution in an undergraduate degree program.
  2. At least 12 credits should be earned in courses in Liberal Arts/Sciences, not including applied Arts/Science courses.
  3. Members shall be selected only from the highest 10 percent of the class who have 24 graded credits and are matriculated in an undergraduate degree program.
  4. Those selected must have a minimum GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent.